Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Mt. Mingan - 4th Exploration

"First will not be the Last". This is the adventure I will keep on repeating until my shoes would wear away or my knees would hurt. The first time I set foot on this mountain was way back summer of 2014 and now, this is my 4th exploration with my hiking buddies and this will not be the last.

On a January 16, 2015 Marlon, Rodge and I, equipped with determination for this exploration started our trek on a chilly Friday morning.

We settled at Station 5's campsite. this is the 1st time I didn't brought booze for the night. So no laughing trip happened.

And on the second day.

Eager to reach the monolith, we decided to do e-camp and in order for us to plan our Final assault.

Day 3.

We need to make our way into the dense giant pandan forrest.

and finally, after 3 days of grueling ascent and thorns prickling our skin. The beauty that awaits us on the monolith.


from left: Rogemar Bravo, Genesis and Marlon Ramos

Thanking everyone who participated from the 1st to the last. Kudos to everyone!

First Exploration:
with Annie Manaog and Frank Uy

Second Exploration:
with Mike,Annie, JLo,Lady Diane,Analene Grace, Erwin,Rogemar and Rosalyn.

Third Exploration:
with Liezel Villalon, Marlon and Rogemar.

Nothing is lost by trying..

Even when things do turn out badly,you will still end up with an interesting story to tell.