Friday, January 6, 2017

Mt. Danayag - Baler's Hidden Gem for Mountaineers

Thanks to Explorer Philippines for inviting us
We got an opportunity to be invited by sir Jeff to their group's adventure on the eastern part of Central Luzon. The mountain is located in San Luis, Aurora, bordering Barangay Ditumabo and Dibut. A mixed ethnic group of Tagalog, Ilocano, Bisaya, and a few Dumagat tribes reside on this area, the locals livelihood lies on coconut farming, rice and corn though hiking in Aurora mountains are not as popular compared to surfing (which comes into mind when stating the name Baler), the LGUs have establish a hiking plan and arrangement when doing outdoor adventure.
With sir Marlon, we just had a quick catch of fresh air breath in Baler.

The vast coconut plantation of Barangay Ditumabo was our jump-off, overlooking the eastern seaboard.

sir Roge, thinking probably of someone :) , or just plain enjoying the scenery.

The dense forested area is still far, one should conserve his water and strength and maximized the use of tree shades to rest.

The trail doesn't go all the way to the summit, it has plenty of uphill and downhill trek and I will never forget this slope where i fell, had scared me to death. It was a miscalculated step and fragile tree branch I was holding.


Another precautionary route to mountaineers, there is an old trial going up the ridge and a downhill path. A minor setback had happened and the group was split into 2, we were only reunited after more than 3 hours of waiting.

"Rock n Roll", we're still cool on this landslide prone area while waiting for the lost Team.

Facing a dilemma on where to e-camp, going up near the summit or going down to the river basin. Every mountaineer should know of the basic necessity needed, water, the closer the better. So we descended and on these boulders we have made our campsite.

We have not summited, you may deem it as a failure but the mountain will not move itself, will sure get another try if work schedules are on our favor. Breakfast with the Team before the breakcamp.

From a long arduous journey on what other's call, the bird's trail. Another precautionary trail for mountaineers, the path are ridges and slopes with loose soil which you should tread cautiously or else, you'll be sorry.

Tired, nerve shaken, as we ended our journey, we treated ourselves on a cool bath near the Hydro plant, while some of us went to the Mother falls. We know that all mountain has stories and no matter where we go, the mountain will call us back.