Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Mt. Cauitan Exploration - Trekking a Cross-Provincial Peak

March 30,2018: Six in a group, we head out on a cold chilly morning guided by one of the community leaders of Belwang. A former councilor, hunter and surveyor of mountain boundaries but now he just wants to tend to his agricultural equipment and grandchildren. 

Mt. Cauitan lies on the boarder of Mt. Province and Kalinga, it is the highest peak of both provinces. 
Rice terraces here are a beauty to behold, along with the waterfalls, caves and lakes. The area of pine forest here are large that you don't need for an umbrella when trekking, except when your still on the rice paddies.

The highest walkway concrete bridge so far that i have set foot on.

The emerald pool water of Eking Waterfall.

Look on to these scenic views yourselves.

Bunker houses in the middle of nowhere and the place is not even a tourist spot, but one thing for sure, Igorot people are diligent and hardworking. Just imagine the hardship they've endured to bring these materials and build this up in the mountain.

Along came the clouds as early as 2:00PM in an elevation above 2000MASL.

The mossy forest of Mt. Cauitan where we camped.

Withing the mossy forest lies the Trail of White Orchid.

The remains of wild boar skull.

The summit with the Team at 2563 MASL.

 The Team, the trail, the camaraderie, the smile.......

Amazing scenery, tranquility and an experience you're unlikely to forget...


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    1. Though i'm not really into writing, thanks i'll take that as a compliment.
